Reflective Practice Groups have had an incredibly positive influence on our organisation

Chris Dawber has run a successful Reflective Practice Group Program for our mental health nursing workforce for the past 2 years. The RPG clinical supervision program has been implemented over 2 separate hospital campuses involving 8 mental health units.

“Our work force has felt enormously supported by the introduction of these groups and feedback has been very positive with most asking for more sessions in the future. The groups have proved invaluable in reducing stress in what has been a very busy, acute period within our areas.” 

        Terry, A/Director of Nursing

“Reflective Practice Groups have had an incredibly positive influence on our organisation; supporting staff well being and promoting person focused care. Chris’s facilitation style is inclusive and supportive. The process exemplifies shared humanity. Chris is skilled at guiding the group and individuals to understand their experiences and other perspectives to facilitate personal and professional well being.  This in turn has benefits not only for self but for the support and care we provide to others”.   

               Fiona, A/Director of Nursing

Here are some comments from nurses attending Reflective Practice Group sessions in our Mental Health Units

  • Very well run groups promoting self awareness & cohesion among work colleagues.
  • Members of RPG were respectful to each other. It elicited some awareness in my own practice. I learned to think outside the box. It was a good way to debrief.
  • Peer Support was helpful. Hearing other’s experiences can ease one’s own anxieties about situations.
  • I believe it improves my own insight & self awareness. I believe it assists with stress management. I have found it extremely useful & often look forward to the group.
  • My learning, my knowledge was positively affected by the reflections & sharing. I also admire the wisdom of the facilitator.
  • I felt that the sessions were extremely helpful. I felt supported & it was positive listening to the views of others & seeing other ways to look at & deal with situations
  • Strengthens the bond in the team. Helps to learn about the other staff(s) concerns
  • Definitely makes me reflect on past actions and the group helps me to evaluate – to see if there was another way to handle the situation.
  • Team building exercise. Improved my self esteem. Reduces stress by getting emotions out. Develops communication skills.
  • Strengthens team morale & support systems. It has allowed a forum for staff to discuss their feelings or difficulties at work.
  • It allows me to support certain nurses that have had problems but no forum to discuss their issues until RPG started.
  • Have enjoyed hearing other staff speak about positive experiences they have had on the ward – enjoyed being able to vent my frustrations in a safe environment
  • Chris, the leader of this group, has been a great help to all staff & to me. This group has allowed me to reflect in a safe space with others support. It has helped me in so many ways
  • Experiencing & learning how to practice mindfulness – Gaining the support of peers when you have an issue – Feeling confident that all information is confidential